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Partner Dashboard

The dashboard provides a high-level overview of the various companies in your profile and their outstanding items. To access the dashboard,

  • Click on the Profile icon ( ).
  • Select Partner Dashboard.

Please note:

  1. Only admin users have access to the dashboard. If an admin user is restricted to specific companies, the dashboard will only include stats or information for the companies that they have admin access to.
  2. Demo companies will be included in the stats on the dashboard if the profile that it belongs to is still in its 30-day free trial period. Demo companies given to partners for showing the system to clients or for practicing payroll are not included in the stats.

The first three items at the top of the dashboard show:

  • The number of companies in your profile.
  • The number of client groups in your profile.
  • The number of employees across all companies in your profile.

The remaining sections of the dashboard are outlined below.

Latest Pay Period Processed

Please note: This section is only applicable if the client has a Pay Run within the last year; it is disabled otherwise.

This section indicates when the last Pay Run was created for each Pay Frequency in each company. Besides the date of the last created Pay Run being displayed, there is also a status next to each item, which will display one of the following:

  • Processed (Green) – The latest Pay Run was created inclusive of all employees.
  • Partially Processed (Orange) – The latest Pay Run has been created and at least one employee was not part of the Ray Run for that Pay Frequency.
  • Pending (Red) – A Pay Run dated before today’s date has not been created.

If you click on the Partially Processed or Pending status, you can see more information about the Pay Run. You can then click on the link at the bottom of the pop-up to be directed to the created Pay Run (if Partially Processed) or the Pay Runs page (if Pending).

Please note: If you navigate to the Pay Run from the dashboard and make changes, you may need to refresh the dashboard for the updates to show.

Liability to CPF Board

Please note: Only companies that have completed the Employer Filing Details page will be included in this section.

This page shows the total amount owing to the CPF Board for each company in your profile for the last three periods. The page defaults to the latest period, but you can use the tabs to navigate to the previous two periods.

You can be directed to the CPF Returns page by clicking on the Partially Processed or Pending status.

Please note: If you navigate to the CPF Returns page from the dashboard and make changes, you may need to refresh the dashboard for the updates to show.

New Client Accounts – Engagement Level

This section shows the highest engagement level for companies in client accounts that have been on SimplePay for 60 days or less. Client accounts for which there has been no engagement on any of their companies will also display, even f they have been on SimplePay for more than 60 days. The various engagement levels are:

  • No Engagement: No activity has taken place in the client account.
  • Added Company: At least one company has been added to the client account, but no Pay Frequency or employees have been added.
  • Added Pay Frequency: At least one company has been added to the client account with at least one Pay Frequency, but no employees have been added.
  • Added Employee: One employee has been added to a company in the client account.
  • Added Multiple Employees: More than one employee has been added to at least one company in the client account.
  • Finalised Payslips: At least one company in the client account has finalised payslips.

Submission Status

This section shows the status of CPF Returns for the various companies in your profile, including those not in client accounts. The CPF Return can have one of the following statuses:

  • Draft: For CPF Returns not finalised (you will also see a warning if the CPF Return in overdue).
  • Finalised: For CPF Returns that have been finalised on the system.

You can be directed to the CPF Returns page by clicking on the Partially Processed or Pending status.

Please note: If you navigate to the CPF Returns page from the dashboard and make changes, you may need to refresh the dashboard for the updates to show.