Self-Help Group Funds
Certain racial and religious groups are required to contribute to Self-Help Group (SHG) funds. These deductions apply on an opt out per employment basis, meaning that each time an employee starts a new job, they will need to apply to opt out.
The relevant contribution(s) to all of the SHG funds are automatically added to the employees in SimplePay based on their Basic Info. They can, however, be overridden on the system by going to an employee’s profile, clicking on Self-Help Group Funds, and ticking the box of the item you want to override.
The CPF Board is the collecting agent for contributions to SHG funds, and these contributions are deducted from employees’ wages together with the employees’ share of CPF contributions. More information can be found on the CPF website.
Notice/Severance Pay
SHG contributions are payable only on wages earned within the month. Termination benefits, such as notice pay or a severance package, are not considered wages and do not attract CPF contributions; therefore, they do not attract SHG contributions.
These contributions apply to the following groups of employees based on their monthly remuneration – details of the calculations can be found at the links below:
Chinese Development Assistance Council (CDAC)¶
This is a self-help group that serves underprivileged individuals and families in the Chinese community. All working Chinese Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents contribute monthly to the CDAC Fund according to the wage levels as indicated on the CDAC website.
Eurasian Community Fund (ECF)¶
The ECF is administered by the Eurasian Association (EA), which is a self-help community organisation supported by Government. All working Eurasian Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents contribute to the fund monthly through an automatic deduction from their wages. The fund supports the EA’s three key pillars: educational advancement, family support services (FSS), and community development. Its principal aims are to improve the educational performance of Eurasian students, and to address the socio-economic concerns of the community.
Eurasian refers to someone who is defined as such on their identity card or is of both European and Asian ancestry.
Contribution rates to this fund can be found on the EA website.
Mosque Building Mendaki Fund (MBMF)¶
Every working Muslim in Singapore, including foreign workers and permanent residents, are to contribute to this community fund. The MBMF’s role includes supporting religious education intiatives, as well as upgrading and revitalising older mosques.
Further information can be found on the MBMF website, as well as the CPF website – which contains a detailed explanation of the rates and liable employees, in addition to the three components of the MBMF.
MBF and Mendaki figures
The MBMF figure that appears on payslips and in the Transaction History Report consists of two separate figures: one for MBF and one for Mendaki. These have to be reported separately on the IR8A: MBF in its own section, and Mendaki under Donations.
Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA)¶
This is a self-help group that works to uplift the Singapore Indian Community. SINDA’s key thrusts are in Education, Family Services, and Active Collaboration.
All working Indians in Singapore who are Singaporeans, Permanent Residents, Employment Pass holders and from the following groups with ethnic origins in the Indian sub-continents, such as Bangladeshis, Bengalis, Gujaratis, Parsees, Sikhs, Sinhalese, Telugus, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Goans, Malayalees, Punjabis, Sindhis and Tamils, will contribute a monthly sum to the SINDA fund.
Excluded from the above are workers on the FWL scheme.
Contribution rates to this fund can be found on the SINDA website.