I am having trouble logging in

Which error message are you seeing?

“Couldn’t log you in as…”

Please try the following:

  • Log in using a different browser or device – if you are on a smartphone, we’d suggest trying again from a computer.
  • Ensure that you have entered your email address correctly.
  • If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it here.
  • Check your Spam folders for the activation email.
  • If you are having trouble logging in to self-service for the first time, it could be that you did not activate your account. Click on the Forgot Password link to have your self-service activation email resent. Alternatively, you can contact your payroll administrator to have the activation link resent to you.

“Unable to log in. Your profile may not be associated with the necessary roles for access. Please contact your payroll administrator for assistance.”

You are seeing this message because there are currently no roles enabled for your email address. Please contact your company’s payroll administrator.