New Feature: Employee Leave Expiration
Introducing the latest system expansion from the SimplePay team: employee leave expiration for leave days carried over.
With our aim to give you the ultimate payroll experience, you can now customise your leave settings even further by specifying how long leave carried over from a previous
leave cycle remains valid for. For example, you might have a policy that any unused leave from 2019 may carry over to 2020, but if it is not used by the end of June 2020, it will expire and be forfeited.
This is usually done to ensure that your employees’ leave does not excessively accumulate. In addition, by prompting employees to take their leave in due course, it leads to increased employee well-being which has long-term benefits for both employees and the company. Before implementing this on the system, ensure that it aligns with your company’s leave policy and your employees’ contracts to avoid any labour disputes.

To make use of this new feature on current policies, follow these easy steps:
- Go to Settings > Leave.
- Click on View next to the leave type that you wish to edit.
- Under Available Entitlement Policies, click on View next to the entitlement policy that you wish to edit.
- If the Allow leave to be carried forward to next cycle? checkbox is set, there will now be an additional line that appears under it.
- In the new field , enter the number of months that leave must be held for before expiring.
- Click Save.
If you are creating a new leave policy, you will be able to follow the same process when creating the entitlement policy.
For more information on creating and editing leave entitlement policies, head over to our help page here.
Team SimplePay